OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Units Display

OpenBuildings Energy Simulator displays values and quantities in many locations throughout the application interface: the tool settings window, various data managers,databases, calculations and simulation results, and the project data properties.

For each quantity, units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project. For instance, a project located in the United States of America, the units system may be defined to display all quantities using the Imperial (IP) units system. If the project is located in Britain, the units system would be set to the Metric (SI) system.

Preferred units systems for the application (for all projects) are defined in the Defaults Manager dialog, but can be changed for individual projects in the Project Properties dialog.

This does not mean that the application is restricted to display units using only the systems defined for projects. Every quantity can be displayed using multiple units by selecting the alternative unit system from a drop-down list next to the value.

Attention: You can view values set in the default units for the project or convert their display to any of the available units by selecting one from the drop-down list. The value is converted temporarily. This is helpful if you are setting values specified in another unit system.

The following are examples of unit display options:


The default units type Btu/(ft2 • h • delta ° F) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type ° (degree symbol) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type m2 remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type Btu/(hr • ft2 • delta °F) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type lb/ft3 remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type m (meter) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Emission factors

The default units type lb/MHW (Megawatt hour) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Flow rates

The default units type feet3/(min x ft2) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type lm (lumens)/ft2 remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Longitude and Latitude

The default units type ° (degree symbol) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type ° (degree symbol) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type (%) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


he default units type ° (degree symbol) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type BTU/h remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type psi (pounds per inch2) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Source Energy Factor

The default units type Btu/Btu remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Specific Heat

The default units type Btu/(lb x delta °F) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


  • The default units type °C remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Temperature Rise

The default units type delta °F remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Thermal conductance

The default units type Btu/(ft2 • h • delta °F) remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type days remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.

Vapor Resistivity

The default units type Rep remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type mi/hr remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type m3 remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.


The default units type lb/ft2 remains highlighted while other unit systems are selected for conversion.